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Donate a Smile today, We did

Rhea Shervan Donate ID You & Co. Operation Smile Rhea

Operation Smile is an international charity that focuses on making sure every child has a smile to give. A smile is one way people use to bridge their differences. No matter where a person lives or to what culture or ethnicity they belong, a smile offers warmth, friendliness and joy. 

Some Babies Are Not So Lucky

Throughout the world, every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft of the lip, palate (the hard, bony and soft areas on the roof of the mouth) or a combination of both. These facial deformities often make it difficult, if not impossible, for a child to eat in a normal fashion. Many children, especially in those countries that lack access to consistent medical care, do not survive. In fact, one baby out of ten that is born with a cleft will die before their first birthday.

Access to Medical Care Is Not the Only Problem

There are many countries that offer other challenges besides access to high quality medical care when it comes to a child's cleft being repaired. Many families, especially in countries where the infrastructure is not well developed, have a difficult time reaching the medical care that is available. This is especially true when the family lives very rurally, as is often the case.

Cost is a Factor

Another challenge often faced by these families is that they are not able to pay for even the routine medical care that is necessary. Paying for a surgery to fix a cleft can seem like an insurmountable problem with no solution when a family must live on the mere pennies that are all the salary the working parent is paid each day.

Operation Smile Steps Up

A charity with a medical focus, Operation Smile has an international reach. Its medical professionals make up a team that is much more than just a charity or a non government organization. They are people from all over the world with top notch medical training. Eager to make a difference in a child's life so they can smile, play, eat and socialize just like other children, these volunteers have large, caring hearts and lots of love to give.

Reaching Far Into The Future

Operation Smile has provided more than 200,000 free surgeries on young adults and children born with facial deformities since 1982. They have also performed over 3.5 million complete medical examinations on patients. In addition, Operation Smile helps train doctors in some of the world's poorest areas. By making healthcare systems throughout the world stronger, more children are able to enjoy the medical care they need in order to live long and healthy lives.

Donating a Smile is Easy

ID You & Co. donated a smile on 3/9/13 and you can too! Donating is easy and it can help so many children reach their full potential. Rhea of ID You & Co. has a strong committment to charitable organizations and loves to make a difference in the lives of people around the world.


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